

Being in my 3rd semester of MA in Social Anthropology, finishing my last lectures and preparing for my thesis fieldwork and in general all this time constantly struggling to explain - what really I am studying, I thought a blog post on that would only help.

Just read not very optimistic forecast for young anthropologists in academia (discussion from LinkedIn), though one of the contributors pointed to some projections data that shows - there are lots of opportunities for us and will be even more. Also the passion how people tell about their paths in life after the degree is impressive. The first and last of the comments in the same LinkedIn discussion say:
You don't choose a career in Anthropology; it chooses you. It is your DNA, your hard wiring.
Anthropology is not a career.. it is a state of mind and perspective, ever inquisitive
Cannot disagree and hope to follow the same path. I did not choose to study what I'm studying, it chose me :) I do not entirely notice things differently just because I'm studying social patterns within groups of people but I did choose to take up Social Anthropology because I feel myself capable to notice some things differently.

So instead of quoting encyclopedias or articles explaining what my discipline really is, I thought it would be better to show practical examples  - what were (and some still are on the way of finishing) some of my courses and topics for final presentations and papers within these 3 semesters.

  • Anthropology of Religion. Analysis of success of religious sects. Why do people join sects?
  • Kinship studies. Structure of kinship and relationship within a 19th century Mexican telenovela and contemporary Mexico. One of my least serious but the most fun work. Do best friends in Mexico refer to each other as brothers? Is maid part of the family? Yes, all that is true.
  • Urban Anthropology. Slums - shelter strategies, case of Neza. District in Mexico City region, named as one of the largest megaslums in world, accidentally my home for few days.
  • Regional studies: Ethnography of Siberia. Tourism in Siberia. One of the wildest places on Earth as an attractive tourism destination.
  • Anthropology of Development. SOS Children Villages as international development initiative. Still in process but the conclusions are great. I conducted several interviews with the organizers of this initiative and spent some time in participative observation within one of the villages.
  • Sex and gender. Latvian masculinity in crisis? Perspective from men lifestyle magazines. It's developed as worldwide phenomenon - men cannot find their role in everyday life. How it is being reflected in Latvian magazine Klubs - situation is not so bad.
  • Anthropology of Medicine. Constructing the cause of mental illness: relatives' perspective. Did you know that it is impossible to set a certain diagnosis for almost any mental illness? No one can measure if it's really schizophrenia or other disorder. What can relatives say about that.
  • Regional studies: Ethnography of ScandinaviaConstructing “immigrant” in Scandinavia: Pakistanis in Denmark. Integration and migration have been hot topics all around the world, especially in Scandinavia. 
  • Anthropology of SensesAnthropology of Romantic Love: Feelings through Senses. Even love can be researched, e.g. here.
  • Anthropology of Economy and Politics. To work as a mother - SOS Village mother's profession. Being a professional mother is not the easiest task.
  • History of Death. Euthanasia's medical, ethical and care aspects: Dementia patients death by starvation. Not very discussed topic but what actually does happen. Case study from a nursing home - some of the demented patients were refusing food which caused their death. Can it be looked at as a form of euthanasia.
The biggest topic - my MA thesis topic will be finalized within next weeks. But, yes, surprise, surprise, it will be in Mexico for one year starting this August.