Formally we all have a freedom of speech but in real life there are several things that bother to use it completely. Shyness, no options to meet people in real life, retired people or just bothered persons sitting home alone. What to do not to go insane?
One and perhaps one of the best options would be start blogging.
It is said that almost all information in the world is in the net. I would be more precise and say – all the information are in the blogs. Just type in a search engine and you’ll find many useful tips and tricks. For example, I was really confused what Bloglines mean and I found a great user-friendly post. In this context the main blog advantages are informal language for easier comprehension and interactivity for straight contact with the blog author. From this follows a chance to meet these authors on-line. Experience exchange is invaluable. These are some professional things. But blogging advantages also refer to community building in everyday situations. For example, people who for any reasons can’t communicate in a different way and choose blogging. It’s like a new world for them. Perhaps even sense of life for desperate ones.
Within these cases I completely support different online identities. Cause you’re always a bit better when blogging*. And even only pretending better you become better.
(please don't judge this blog, these are only my personal thoughts and I realize that there are also many cons against blogging)*quote of Kristaps Petersons in the BISS lecture about Corporate Blogging
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